Join Slack


We use Slack, before, during, and after Play4Agile. The Play4Agile pre-event emails contain a link to join our Slack workspace (we don’t publish the link here for security reasons).

If you cannot find the link in the pre-event emails or if you have not received those emails, contact us and we will send it to you.

Why Slack? Slack is a realtime messaging platform that makes communication among its members easy and instant.

Do you want to coordinate a ride? Use Slack! Want to know where Mike is (and there’s usually quite a few Mike’s at Play4Agile)? Use Slack! You get the idea.

Slack has the concept of channels that are used to put similar topics together. After you have joined the Play4Agile Slack, the #play4agile-2019 and the #ridesharing channels will be of immediate interest. Browse around to see if there are other channels that are of interest.